Article Index Pages

Projects other than Bender

Contents page for other projects. Each project will be linked once the pages are written and published.

1. Welding Cart
2. Hose Suspenders
3. Foundry Robot
4. Bolt Cutters
5. Foundry (body)
5a. Oil burner #1
5b. Oil burner #2
6. Meter Case
7. Jeannie Bottle
8. Dividing Head - part 1 - the body and intro, part 2 - plate carrier and wormpart 3 - Division plate generation , part 4 - sector arms, and retaining knob
9. Welder modifications
10. Home Made RR-Anvil Part 1, Part 2
11. DTI Magnetic Base/Stand - disassembly, then repair/rebuild
12. shed tips - #1 free pegboard, and magnets, #2 - polished High Tensile Steel, and Disposable yardsticks,
       Free shim steel, and parallels, Foaming tools, cigarette lighter bits,

13. Sharpening sticks
14. Ingot Trays for furnace
15. MOT Spotwelders
16. "Div-master"
17. Santa costume - part 1 (pattern), Part 2 (finished)Part 3 (Jacket), Part 4 ( Pants)Part 5 (Belt)Part 6 (hats and accessories)
18. Auto-Darkening welding helmet repairs/ renewal
19. Taig Lathe - Stand (cabinet) - Frame, drawers, trays, swarf gate, Control panel , PM Motor mount, E-stop switches, and panel Electrical distribution - Completed compared to the old stand
20. Taig Lathe - Accessories
21. home-made tools - super scraper (floor), and grinder wrenches,
22. Quilts
23.Field Desk -  Third-hand, Field desk -part 1 - cabinet, Part 2 - Hardware, Part 3 -Electrical and lighting, Part 4 -Sheet metal and additional lighting info, Part 5 -Painting and trim, Part 6 - contents, Part 7 - a carry strap
24.Serial Cable Kit - mk1-4 - used for connecting to devices in industrial plant for configuration and faultfinding - Construction and Manuals

This list will grow as the projects are published - stay tuned.